Synopsis:Gaia is the gigantic organism that has evolved on Planet Earth. It is the mountains, plains, forests, grasslands, deserts and rivers. It is the climate and ocean currents. It hosts the creatures that have played their part in operations in Gaia for eonsHomo sapiens has developed in recent times the means to use some of Gaia’s resources to grow its civilization, Tityas, the offspring of Gaia. They have done this without understanding the consequences of using up the limited natural wealth. The e.greed bacteria, money, rules their thoughts and decisions. They do not understand that natural forces always govern what happens, even when technology uses this wealth. They do not prepare for the demise of Tityas.These essays examine aspects of what can be expected during the senescence of Tityas. They provide guidance on coping with the inevitable powering down.About the Author:Denis Frith is a retired Australian aeronautical research scientist who became concerned with what the operations of civilization have done to the ecosystem. He was so concerned that he undertook his own research project to gain more understanding of what has actually happened. The findings are reported in What went wrong? The misdirection of civilization. It is a scholarly text providing insight into how natural forces determine what happens despite the decisions made by humans.Gaia and Tityas. What Homo sapiens has done is a collection of essays on this subject for the general reader.